If you are classified as a high-risk driver, finding car insurance can be quite a hassle. Some insurance companies will deny insurance to high-risk drivers, while others just choose to charge extremely high premiums. No matter which insurance company you choose, you will most likely end up with a high rate. However, every insurance company is different, so it is important to shop around for the best rates available.
There are many different factors that can contribute to a high-risk driver classification. However, your driving record is the most important factor in determining your risk status. If you have been involved in several accidents over the course of a year or within two to three years, these incidents will negatively affect your record even if they were not your fault. Being involved in any accident can deem you a reckless driver with a penchant for getting into dangerous situations. Also, if you have received multiple speeding tickets, you are also increasing your risk of getting into car accidents. You may be labeled a high-risk driver just by the number of speeding tickets you have received.
There are also several personal factors that contributed to the high-risk label. Unfortunately, many of these factors are beyond your control. Those who live in the city are considered higher risk than those who live in the country. If you are a city dweller, you will probably pay higher car insurance premiums than if you live in the suburbs or in a rural area. Also, drivers with newer cars are charged higher premiums than those with older automobiles.
Unfortunately, even your credit history can affect your car insurance rating. Those with low credit ratings are usually charged higher premiums than those with better credit scores. Whether or not you have been covered by car insurance continuously is also a factor. If there are gaps in your coverage, they will assume that you have had periods of uninsured driving. Because driving without insurance is very unsafe and also very illegal, insurance companies take this into consideration when considering your rate.
Though it can take several years of clean driving to erase the high-risk driver label, it can still be done. Three years is the industry standard for reassessing a driverís safety standing. If you have a clean record for a three-year period, you can work your way back to the benefits of lower premiums. However, three years worth of high premiums can really add up over time. If you are a high-risk driver, there are still ways to lower your insurance payments. With a little research, you can reduce your payments by a fair amount.
Working toward a clean driving record is the best way to ensure that you will get the best car insurance rates. Avoid congested areas whenever possible, and be sure to slow down in reduced speed zones. Be aware of your surroundings and never speed, and you will be on your way to a successful reduction in your rates.
If you live in North Carolina and have had a string of ticket or accidents, let us shop your insurance through our carriers that specialize in that type of risk. In most cases we can save clients hundreds or even thousands of dollars. We can save clients money if they have has a number of accidents, DUI, speeding tickets or anything else you can imagine, Give us a call and let us see what we can do for you 919-322-3640.